command. You can find the
prefix by pinging the bot.
Returns all Commmands, or one specific command
Usage: help
Permissions: Embed
Gives you an Invite link for this Bot
Usage: invite
, inv
, add
Permissions: None
Gives you information on how fast the Bot can respond to you
Usage: ping
, latency
Permissions: None
Shows music stats, like amount of commands and played songs etc.
Usage: stats
, musicstats
Permissions: None
Enable 24/7 mode in your server
Usage: 24/7
Permissions: Administrator
Let's you change the Prefix of the BOT
Usage: prefix <new prefix>
Permissions: Manage Server
Applies a 8D Filter to the current track
Usage: 8d
Permissions: None
Changes the Bass gain to the current track
Usage: Bassboost
, bb
Permissions: None
Applies a Bass Filter to the current track
Usage: Bass
Permissions: None
Clears the applied filter of the current track
Usage: Clear
, cf
Permissions: None
Applies a Pitch Filter to the current track
Usage: Pitch
, dv
Permissions: None
Applies an Distort filter to the current track (Vol. Warning)
Usage: Distort
Permissions: None
Applies a Equilizer Filter to the current track
Usage: Equilizer
Permissions: None
Applies a Speed Filter to the current track
Usage: Speed
Permissions: None
Applies a Night Core Filter to the current track
Usage: Night Core
Permissions: None
Applies a Vaporwave Filter
Usage: Vaporwave
Permissions: None
Toggles Autoplay on/off
Usage: Autoplay
Permissions: None
Cleares the Queue
Usage: Clearqueue
Permissions: None
Saves the current playing song to your Direct Messages
Usage: grab
Permissions: None
Join s the Bot in your Channel
Usage: Join
, j
Permissions: None
Repeats the current song
Usage: repeat
, Loop<queue | song>
Permissions: None
Shows information about the current Song
Usage: Nowplaying
, np
, current
Permissions: None
Pauses the Current Song
Usage: Pause
, break
Permissions: None
Play a song from youtube
Usage: play <Song / URL>
, p
, l
Permissions: None
Shows the current Queue
Usage: q
, list
, queue
Permissions: None
Removes a track from the Queue
Usage: +remove {Song no in queue}
Permissions: None
Resumes the Current Paused Song
Usage: resume
, r
Permissions: None
Changes the position(seek) of the Song
Usage: seek <duration in seconds>
Permissions: None
Searches a song from youtube
Usage: search <song / url>
Permissions: None
Shuffles the Queue
Usage: shuffle
, mix
Permissions: None
Forces to Skip the current song
Usage: skip
, s
Permissions: None
Skips to a specific Track
Usage: Skipto <track number>
jump <track number>
Permissions: None
Stops current track and leaves the channel
Usage: stop
, leave
, dis
, dc
Permissions: None
Changes the Volume
Usage: volume <0-150>
, vol <0-150>
Permissions: None
Lets you vote for skipping by reacting on message the current track
Usage: Leave
Permissions: None
Enable 24/7 mode in your server
Usage: 24/7
, autoJoin
Permissions: Administrator
Let's you change the Prefix of the BOT
Usage: prefix <new prefix>
Permissions: Manage Server
Applies a 8D Filter to the current track
Usage: 8d
Permissions: None
Changes the Bass gain to the current track
Usage: Bassboost
, bb
Permissions: None
Applies a Bass Filter to the current track
Usage: Bass
Permissions: None
Clears the applied filter of the current track
Usage: Clear
, cf
Permissions: None
Applies an Distort filter to the current track (Vol. Warning)
Usage: Distort
Permissions: None
Applies a Equilizer Filter to the current track
Usage: Equilizer
Permissions: None
Applies a Speed Filter to the current track
Usage: Speed
Permissions: None
Applies a Night Core Filter to the current track
Usage: Night Core
Permissions: None
Applies a Pitch Filter to the current track
Usage: Pitch
Permissions: None
Applies a Vaporwave Filter
Usage: Vaporwave
Permissions: None
Returns all Commmands, or one specific command
Usage: help
Permissions: None
Gives you an Invite link for this Bot
Usage: invite
, inv
, add
Permissions: None
Gives you information on how fast the Bot can respond to you
Usage: ping
, latency
Permissions: None
Shows music stats, like amount of commands and played songs etc.
Usage: stats
, musicstats
Permissions: None
Toggles Autoplay on/off
Usage: Autoplay
Permissions: None
Cleares the Queue
Usage: Clearqueue
Permissions: None
Saves the current playing song to your Direct Messages
Usage: grab
Permissions: None
Join s the Bot in your Channel
Usage: Join
Permissions: None
Repeats the current song
Usage: Loop
Permissions: None
Shows information about the current Song
Usage: Nowplaying
, np
, current
Permissions: None
Pauses the Current Song
Usage: Pause
, break
Permissions: None
Play a song from youtube
Usage: play <Song / URL>
, p
, l
Permissions: None
Shows the current Queue
Usage: q
, list
, queue
Permissions: None
Removes a track from the Queue
Usage: +remove {Song no in queue}
Permissions: None
Resumes the Current Paused Song
Usage: resume
, r
Permissions: None
Searches a song from youtube
Usage: search <song / url>
Permissions: None
Changes the position(seek) of the Song
Usage: seek <duration in seconds>
Permissions: None
Shuffles the Queue
Usage: shuffle
, mix
Permissions: None
Forces to Skip the current song
Usage: Skip
, s
Permissions: None
Skips to a specific Track
Usage: skipto <track number>
jump <track number>
Permissions: None
Stops current track and leaves the channel
Usage: stop
, leave
, dis
, dc
Permissions: None
Changes the Volume
Usage: volume <0-150>
, vol <0-150>
Permissions: None
Lets you vote for skipping by reacting on message the current track
Usage: Leave
Permissions: None